five pieces of information that reflect our studies in Population and Migration. 1.Japanese population the population of Japan as of 2018 is at 126.5 million, including foreign residents. After the 20th century, due to Japan’s entry into the post-industrial society, population growth rates have decreased, medical conditions have improved; and Japan’s long-standing immigration control has been strict, leading Japan to become one of the countries with the highest population growth in the world, while Japan is also per capita. Life, Japan’s total 2.Chinese population In 2019, China's population stands at 1.417 billion, the largest of any country in the world. Mainland China has tightened its family planning policy since the 1970s to curb population growth. Although China is still the world's most populous country, its fertility rate has been low since the 1970s. 3.United States population The United States is the third most populous country in the world with an estimate...