
A Message to Garcia

- the publication
It was published in March 1899 by Elbert Hubbard. It is so popular that it has been published in pamphlets and books that have sold more than 40 million copies and translated into 37 different languages

-the phenomenon
It was filmed twice, in 1916 and 1936. And "take a message to Garcia" has become slang for something positive

-the backstory
setting: the Spanish-American War
Garcia: a revolutionary seeking Cuban independence from Spain
Rowan: an Army officer (West Point, class of 1881)
McKinley: President William McKinley, 25th President (1897-1901), assassinated six months into his second term by an anarchist
tallest mountain in North America was (re)named for him (until 2015!)

-the odd vocabulary
perihelion: the point when a planet (like Mars) is closest to the sun, and therefore is at its brightest
slipshod: careless, lackadaisical, slapdash, remiss马虎的
imbecility: incapability, feebleness, stupidity无能
stenographer: a person who takes dictation in shorthand速记员
missive: a letter, especially a long or official one 公函
-the message
No matter at any time, no matter what task to complete, no matter in what way, we should initiative, we should dare to do, take the initiative to do, so as to have more opportunities.


